Approximately 10 years ago, the City of Hollister started planning the construction of thousands of new houses. This would entail an influx of new families moving into town. The Lord planted a seed into our hearts that we needed to plan for growth, to equip ourselves for what lies ahead of us. With all of these factors considered, it resulted in the inception or birth of the vision called the Legacy Building Project. After numerous days, seeking God through fasting and prayer, the vision (of a new church building) was brought before our church board. The Bible says in Proverbs 3:5-6 that if we, “trust the Lord with all of our hearts and lean not into our own understanding, he will prepare the way for us”. As this verse promised, the vision of a new church building that would seat approximately 750 people, being built on our backlot, was well-received by the board. The same sentiments were echoed by our church members when the vision was eventually brought before them.
Groundwork and Re-shifting in Priorities
Many of our church members (and their families) supported and blessed the vision, by submitting monetary donations. This enabled us to start working on permits including other city and state requirements, to begin the construction of our new church building. However, the pandemic took the world by storm including raising prices of raw materials. As a result, with the Lord’s guidance, we had to make some changes to the execution of the vision so that we, given the current global climate (at the time), can continually make progress towards the end-goal without hindering or jeopardizing the integrity of the vision altogether.
Leading Families to Christ
The Lord had always put into our hearts a special affinity and passion for families – the entire family. At Sunnyslope Christian Center (SCC), we have always and continued to provide various programs geared for all ages. In this love for families, it brought forth a fresh new approach towards fulfilling the vision for our church. We felt the Lord telling us that we needed to attend to our children and youth first by providing and giving them access to top-notch facilities, as well as taking better care of our current facilities by giving them a much-needed and newer cosmetic outlook before we start construction of a new church building.
New Vision Approach: Different Phases
The first phase involved remodeling of bathrooms in the Main Sanctuary, that were outdated and in dire need of repairs. Since the Main Sanctuary is the primary location where majority of our services are held, we needed to upkeep facilities within this main building.
The second phase entailed re-paving of the parking lot. Our previous parking lot was a blessing and it served us well for many years; however, for the new vision, we needed to have a fresh and new outlook. We wanted the outside of our campus to mirror the beauty taking place within the four-walls of our church campus buildings.
The third phase will require remodeling of the children’s and youth chapel. Our children are the church of tomorrow, and we want them to be treated accordingly. We are currently in the design process and once a completed design has been reviewed and accepted by our team, the construction company will begin the remodeling process. Our children and youth will have an amazing place to learn about God.
This is only the beginning of many more great things ahead of SCC, and we give all the glory and honor to our heavenly Father for his continual provision and blessings.
Reverend Kevin Townsend
Senior Pastor